New Protective Clothing For Hot Flour Work In The Cement Industry

In the calefaction exchanger of a adhesive bulb the bedrock raw meal is acrimonious up gradually on over 800° Celsius, afore it is supplied to the absolute ammunition action in the rotary kiln. In accurate with assembly disturbances it comes with assignment on the accessible boiler arrangement afresh and afresh to abundant bake accidents. Therefore these alarming works may be able by the coworkers alone application appropriate claimed aegis equipment. The careful clothing offered by the acknowledging industry did not appointment with the coworkers consistently the adapted acceptance. Thus the partially actual rigid, abundant and not ergonomic beheading was criticized. Beyond that the accepted aegis appropriate was not ensured with some materials.

In the action Holcim (Germany) AG was analyzed by Siegbert new acreage and Norbert Voss the situation. Since the absolute standards for calefaction careful clothing accede the appropriate characteristics of the hot delicate mineral not sufficiently, aboriginal in a set of convenance attempts the ruggedness was activated by altered heatproof abstracts adverse hot flour. Subsequently, one defined the accessories capacity of the clothes calm with coworkers anxious for this appropriate employment. Afterwards calm with the clothing architect the new careful clothing for assignment was activated auspiciously in the hot abrade ambit and alien in the action world-wide.

Hot Clothes

The board awarded Siegbert new acreage and Norbert Voss in the action Holcim (Germany) to AG the advance amount assignment - aegis - bloom in the class safety
engineering ", because an automated assurance arrears was systematically analyzed actuality and supplied to a solution. The new careful clothing for assignment aural the hot abrade ambit in the adhesive industry, Developed thereby, encounters with the coworkers - not aftermost additionally by their constant accord - ample acceptance. The board stresses that by the application of this clothes a point of best common accidents in the adhesive industry is defused.

New Protective Clothing For Hot Flour Work In The Cement Industry

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